Breedlove’s Sporting Goods, Inc. of Kewanee is your one-stop-shop for team merchandise and athletic gear! Since 1949, we’ve offered excellent service at outstanding prices. Our talented and helpful art department can help you custom design exactly what you want to outfit your team or corporate group.

Custom Personalized Gifts

Browse our catalog below to view the large amount of products that we offer for customization. If you find something that you are interested in, simply remember which product it is you like and contact us with that information using the contact form below. We will have someone contact you within 24 hours. If you need immediate assistance, please contact us via phone at (309) 852-2434 ext. 130.

Custom Personalized Gifts

Click the photo below to view the large amount of products that we offer for customization. If you find something that you are interested in, simply remember which product it is you like and contact us with that information using the contact form below. We will have someone contact you within 24 hours. If you need immediate assistance, please contact us via phone at (309) 852-2434 ext. 130.
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Contact our Personalized Gifts Team

Phone: (309) 852-2434 ext. 130
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The Custom Personalized Gifts Team